A one on one session with Georgia that will last for 1 hour. We will define a goal for the session and explore how we achieve that goal ending with actionable steps forward.
A goal starts with your personal vision (note: finding your personal vision is a great goal to come to a session with) A personal vision for your life can propel you and inspire those around you to reach their own dreams. Senge defines vision as what you want to create of yourself and the world around you. ​
It is important to establish your own goals, this will help you follow through.
Coaching is a results-oriented process so we will use S.M.A.R.T Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) During a session we can take time really solidifying this S.MA.R.T goal.
If you are stuck or want some more clarity, download these exercises.
Please don't feel overwhelmed by finding a goal. At the beginning of our session we will spend some time discovering and working on your vision and goal. ​​
​A Coach is:
A partner in achieving goals
A confidant when exploring choices
A motivator towards growth
A source of enthusiasm and support
A wake up call and a reality sandwich
A sounding board to help create a more productive life
A referee to help clients push the envelop
A beacon during stormy times
(CLCI Coaching reference)
I like to think of a coach as a side kick. If you are the hero or lead in your story a coach is the Robin to your Batman. I aim to support you to move from your present (where you are now) to the future you desire.
A coach will be your collaborative partner and will guide you by asking questions to allow you to explore and find answers. A coach will approach you in a neutral and non judgemental way as they give you space to seek your way to the future you desire.
The CLCI coaching manual says:
Coaching makes a difference when two factors are present:
1. The Client is willing to change and grow
2. There is a gap between where the client is now and where they want to be.
With Coaching you may:
Discover your inner strength, knowledge and desires
Be 'in action' because you set the goals you really want
Have a balanced live because you designed it.
Be comfortable leaving your comfort zone.
Help you reach higher without getting consumed by the process.
Make focused and informed decisions.
Learn that you are in control of your life and how you live in it.
Gain closure, move forward, and clear up unresolved issues.
Learn how to live a fulfilling life and ask for what you need.
Look at life in a more positive way and stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Strengthen your suport system - when you have a strong support system such as your family, significant other or friends, you can do anything.​
If you are the main character of your story, a coach is your sidekick, helping you on your journey. A coach is not 'the map' giving you directions. We believe that you know you better than anyone else and that with a little bit of clarity you will know the way to your future. A coach is not 'mission control' giving you advice or solutions to fix problems but rather will use questions to guide you to those solutions. A coach is not 'tech support' giving you the gadgets and skills you may need. A coach is not your 'hero', saving you from your issues, you can be your own hero!
CLCI Coaching guide states:
A coach is your collaborative partner. Guiding you by using their coaching skills and by asking questions to allow you to explore and find answers. A coach helps you identify what is happening now and what you want in the future.
A consultant or mentor advises the client by giving input in way such as giving advice or providing them with information and suggestions. Telling them how to do things from everything they know.
This form of input can involve dealing with issues in the client's past that are blocking them from moving forward and causing problems for their current lives. Exploring issues such as family of origin and deep emotional trauma can uncover why they behave the way they do.
FOR ANY OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT GEORGIA: georgia@georgiageyerconsulting.com