Today, I'm gonna give you one way that you can position yourself to have an inspirational collision. If you have no idea what we're talking about, check one of our other videos and you can learn all about that. But today, this is number 1. One way that you can have an inspirational collision is to do a creative thing that takes absolutely little effort. That might be singing a random song about the thing that you're doing right now or doing a weird little jig or drawing in the margins or doodling or whatever it You can do that's a little bit creative, but that absolutely takes no effort whatsoever.
There was actually a study done in 2009 (click here to learn more) that looked at the effect of doodling on the brain, and what it came up with is that when we doodle, when we doodle drawings on the side of our work, we're giving a break, our brain a break, and more than that, we're actually improving cognitive performance. We're positioning our mind exactly in the way to be able to retain information better and to be able to have those moments of inspiration. That is amazing. So that teacher that told you to stop drawing in the side of your work, she was wrong. Might have been here.
Don't know. Either way, follow along and, we'll talk more about other ways that we can position ourselves for creative collisions. So at the moment we're doing the study looking at the link between our identity, who we are, and our creativity, on what we create and how these two things are so ridiculously connected. We would love you to fill out a survey. All the information is in our description.
Love to talk to you soon. Bye.