Inspiration! The poet Frederick Skiller had a drawer full of rotten apples, and before he had to write anything, he would open up the drawer, sniff the apples, and then that's how he would get inspired. Do you have anything weird or any way that you get inspired like that? It's kind of weird that we do these things, Right? I love the word inspire because it means to breathe, to be breathed, or breathe something in.
It's like when you get oxygen the first time when you've been holding your breath, and and I think that's exactly what it feels like. Right? There was a study done in 2003 (click here to learn more) that tried to find what exactly are the triggers of those inspirational moments. And what they talked about is that being inspired is less like breathing in and more like a collision or a crash. And they found 2 triggers.
2 triggers that of inspiration. The first is, the intrapsychic trigger. The intrapsychic trigger is when you have one idea or concept flowing around your brain, you have another idea or concept flowing around your brain, and those two things just kinda collide and you have this moment of inspiration. And the second trigger is environmental. That's when you have one concept flowing around in your head and then something external just happens to collide with it and you get that beautiful collision of inspiration.
I think a lot of the time when we're working as creatives, we feel like we have to be inspired all the time and we have to come up with the next thing. There has to be another way. There has to be something better. We have to keep going. It has to be inspired and we have to work at it.
This study talks about balance. The fact that we need this balance between our active noticing, so actually working to find our inspiration, and our passive attention, just allowing ourselves to experience life. And when we do these two things, we actually find ourselves having these moments of collision. I'd love to talk to you more about that and come up with 5 ways that we can position ourselves for an inspirational collision, follow along, and learn more. So at the moment, we're doing a study looking at the link between our identity, who we are, and our creativity, or what we create, and how these two things are so ridiculously connected.
We would love you to fill out a survey. All the information is in our description. Love to talk to you soon. Bye.